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faith-based recovery

Because May is the 5th month of the year, members of Alcoholics Anonymous all over the world will be studying and discussing A.A.’s 5th step in their miraculous 12 step recovery process. The 5th step states:

“Admitted to God, to ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs”.

These “wrongs” are largely based on a fearless moral inventory the addict/alcoholic has taken of themselves in our 4th step just completed. Most recovering people share their written inventory of themselves with their sponsor or mentor in A.A. This sharing of resentments and fears held onto for years is a tremendous relief. Therapists might call this “catharsis”. The recovering person simply calls it freedom from the bondage of self.

At SOZO, we are very supportive of our clients getting a sponsor as soon as they are ready because we know from experience how therapeutic these relationships can become. We feel that a major part of our work is centered on helping the client to sustain sobriety after they graduate from our Program. Many of our most successful graduates have stayed at SOZO for six months or more as they move from full time treatment into a stepped down phase where they become employed locally and accomplish successfully the return to the workplace while being surrounded by sober friends who are also growing along spiritual lines every day.

There are three essentials for spiritual recovery: Honesty-Openness-Willingness. Our clients often use these three values as a measuring stick to check their personal progress. Bible study and church attendance are part of our faith-based recovery process. In the past few years well over 200 clients have become baptized as part of their recovery experience at SOZO. What excites and impresses me is that there is absolutely no pressure to do this. The men simply seem to be drawn to this step along their path to a more spiritual lifestyle.

If you’re wondering if you might need treatment for substance abuse, May would be a wonderful month to make that decision! I hope to see you soon.


Bob O’Dowd

 Executive Director, Emeritus

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