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Is Intensive Outpatient Treatment Right for Your Recovery?

intensive outpatient treatment

In an addiction recovery journey, managing substance abuse challenges can be overwhelming. It becomes more difficult when you need to balance daily responsibilities, for example, household duties and office work, while undergoing treatment. Of course, inpatient or residential treatment programs providing 24/7 support in a structured environment won’t work in this case.

That’s where the intensive outpatient program comes in.

It is a flexible alternative that allows individuals to get proper therapy from professional support while maintaining their daily routines. Wondering whether you should opt for an intensive outpatient treatment in Arkansas? Keep reading!

About Intensive Outpatient

An Intensive Outpatient Program is a comprehensive addiction recovery treatment that involves scheduled therapy sessions without requiring a residential stay. It’s perfect for individuals looking for structured help to address their substance abuse symptoms but can’t afford full-time supervision.

What to Expect from IOP?

The IOP sessions are far more impressive than other recovery programs. Let’s figure out why!

  • You can expect a flexible schedule that allows you to focus on your personal life and perform routine responsibilities.
  • Like other treatments, you get equal support and care even if you are not residing in a rehab.
  • You get more privacy, unlike other programs.
  • Relapse prevention strategies, mindfulness practices, and life skills building can help attain long-term results.
  • While having a normal life, you get a supportive community to take care of your health and well-being.

How do you know whether the IOT program is right for you?

With so many treatment options available, it is very difficult to decide whether IOT is the right choice. Are you having the same dilemma? Here are a few indications that intensive outpatient rehab might be a suitable one.

When you have multiple commitments

As we mentioned, IOP enables patients to fulfill their personal and professional commitments. Whether it is about their household chores, family duties, or office work, you can easily choose this program and get the treatment done at your convenience.

You don’t have a high budget

We agree substance abuse treatment can be expensive to some extent. However, if budget is your issue, intensive outpatient can be your go-to solution. These programs are more affordable than residential facilities.

You have recently completed inpatient treatment

Individuals struggling with addiction-related issues severely are often recommended to have residential treatment. Here they reside in a structured therapeutic environment for ultimate care under expert supervision. If you have already completed this treatment, you can think about intensive outpatient therapy in Hot Springs.

You can’t rely only on outpatient treatment

Many of you hesitate to join outpatient programs that offer a handful of therapy sessions, individual and group counseling, skill-building, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.  This may be because these sessions typically last only 1-2 hours, leaving some uncertainty about the effectiveness of the results they provide. In this scenario, you can choose intensive outpatient over these programs.

Wrapping Up

Intensive outpatient is one of the effective therapies for addiction recovery. It is usually administered 3-5 times per week, lasting for more than 6 hours a day. Many top-tier rehabs follow the ASAM-level criteria to provide the best possible treatment to individuals.

Even if you consider SOZO, you will come across our ASAM Level II approach that focuses on a higher level of care and comprehensive support. Consult with us and learn about our flexible scheduling of intensive outpatient treatment in Arkansas. Get started today.

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